SIU Prize – Honoring Global Talent from Saigon International University
Focusing on two priority areas
The SIU Prize is a dedicated initiative organized by The Saigon International University (SIU) in celebration of the exceptional achievements of talented individuals of Vietnamese or Vietnamese descent worldwide, whose doctoral theses have been successfully defended within the last 5 years (prior to the deadline of nomination process, based on the conferral date of the doctoral degree).
Selection process
The members of the SIU Prize Professional Committee and Professional Council consist of professors, scientists, and leading specialists in relevant fields both domestically and internationally. The SIU Prize promises to gather outstanding doctoral theses from hundreds of prestigious universities, academies, and research institutes around the world.
The nomination, evaluation, selection, and announcement process will occur in multiple stages, involving specialized councils made up of leading professors and experts in the field from both inside and outside the country. Therefore, the winning doctoral dissertations are expected to be groundbreaking and of international caliber.
Award value
Awarded biennially in the fields of Computer Science and Health Sciences, the SIU Prize carries a monetary award for each recipient with five awards in each field. Specifically, GAIE sponsors 10 billion VND for each season, covering both fields (each field includes one Gold Prize, one Silver Prize, one Bronze Prize, and two Honorable Mentions).
The SIU Prize, with its substantial financial reward, also provides crucial initial funding for the young talents awarded, enabling them to innovate and further develop their outstanding dissertations into practical applications.
Aspirations and expectations
In addition to honoring Vietnamese intellectual values, the SIU Prize represents a pioneering effort to connect participants and awardees with intellectuals both domestically and internationally, aimed at developing solutions for Vietnam and the world.
The SIU Prize is expected to encourage and facilitate the “realization” of outstanding doctoral theses that contribute to innovation and the creation of a sustainable and better world in the future.

Thái Trà My là Giáo sư về Khoa học & Kỹ thuật Máy tính & Thông tin của Tổ chức University of Florida Research Foundation và là Phó Giám đốc của Nelms Institute for the Connected World tại Đại học Florida. Bà có chuyên môn sâu rộng về trí tuệ nhân tạo đáng tin cậy (trustworthy AI), khai thác và tối ưu hóa dữ liệu quy mô hàng tỷ đô la, đặc biệt là dữ liệu biểu đồ phức tạp với các ứng dụng cho công nghệ chuỗi khối, phương tiện truyền thông xã hội, cơ sở hạ tầng mạng trọng yếu, an ninh mạng và chăm sóc sức khỏe. Thành quả nghiên cứu của của bà đã cho ra đời 7 cuốn sách và hơn 300 ấn phẩm trên các tạp chí và hội nghị học thuật hàng đầu, giúp bà nhận được các giải thưởng 2014 IEEE MSN Best Paper Award, 2017 IEEE ICDM Best Papers Award, 2018 IEEE/ACM ASONAM Best Paper Runner Up, and 2023 AAAI Distinguished Paper Award.
Năm 2009, GS. Thái Trà My đã được trao giải Young Investigator Program (YIP) từ Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Năm 2010, bà giành Giải thưởng National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Bà cũng được trao tặng University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship vào năm 2016. GS. Thái Trà My là thành viên của IEEE.
GS. Thái Trà My từng tham gia vào nhiều hoạt động chuyên môn, trong đó có vai trò chủ tịch TPC của nhiều hội nghị quốc tế IEEE và là thành viên ban biên tập của một số tạp chí. Bà hiện là Tổng biên tập tạp chí Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO) đồng thời là biên tập viên bộ sách Springer Optimization and Its Applications.

Nguyen Thi Mai Trang received the B.Se degree in Telecommunications at Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology in 1999. She was laureate of a scholarship for graduate study in France and received the Master degree in Computer Science and Networking at University of Versailles, France in 2000. She received the PhD degree in Computer Science from University of Paris 6 in 2003, under the supervision of Prof. Guy Pujolle, co-supervied by Prof. Nadia Boukhatem at Telecom-Paris. Before joining Sorbonne University in 2006, she was postdoctoral researcher at France Telecom in 2004 and at Univerity of Lausanne, Switzerland in 2005.
From 2006 to 2022 she was Associate Professor in Computer Science at Sorbonne University, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6). She was head of the PHARE team from 2019 to 2022 and coordinator of International Mobility in Computer Science of Sorbonne University in 2021-2022. Since september 2022, she has moved to hold a Full Professor position in Computer Engineering at Laboratoire de Traitement et Transport de l’Information (L2TI), Sorbonne Paris Nord University.
Her research interests include Future Internet architecture and protocol design, 5G/6G mobile and wireless networks, network security, network modelling and performance evaluations. Some of her notable research projects include USPN Project: Routage dans les réseaux mesh mobile hybride (2023), DIM RFSI 5G-REISEP: Réseaux Edge Intelligents aux Service des Entreprises et services Publiques (2022-2024), và PSPC Régions – Bpifrance Project: Sécurisation de l’Ecosystème Cloud par Blockchain (SecPB) (2020-2022). In addition, she also undertakes other professional activities such as Technical Program Committee, Organization committee, Reviewer, Editorial service. She is a member of IEEE and ACM.
Paper presented at the conference:

Deputy Director of Asian Institute of Innovation and Technology – The Saigon International University

Prof. Dr. Md. Nguyen Sao Trung is regarded as a dedicated teacher and a devoted physician with more than 30 years of experience in the medical profession. His area of expertise is issues related to breast and thyroid. Additionally, he is also a famous scientist authoring and co-authoring 16 research projects; having 150 articles published in prestigious domestic and foreign journals. He is the editor of 8 textbooks and a contributor to 9 other books, including “Giai phau benh hoc” (“Pathological Anatomy”) appraised by the Textbook Appraisal Council of the Ministry of Health and distributed as a textbook for medical schools across Vietnam. His intensive research focuses on immunohistochemistry and genetics, which are highly applicable in the treatment of cancer, especially breast cancer and liver cancer. Three of the most notable works he has authored are:
(1) State-level scientific project on cancer genetics: “Research into application of modern genetic techniques in the diagnosis and prognosis of some common cancers in Vietnam”.
(2) City-level project (Ho Chi Minh City) on liver cancer: “Study to identify biomarkers (p53, Ki67) in hepatocellular carcinoma”.
(3) Ministry-level project (Ministry of Health) on breast cancer: “Research on applying immunohistochemistry to identify valuable biomarkers in breast cancer prognosis and treatment (ER, PR, Her-2-Neu, Ki67, PCNA, p53)”
With extensive experience and expertise, Prof. Dr. Md. Nguyen Sao Trung has been holding several important positions, including: former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, former Head of Pathology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City and Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, former Head of Pathology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital at Ho Chi Minh City. He is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City. He is also holding many important positions such as:
– Professional advisor to University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
– Editor-in-Chief of the Ho Chi Minh City Medical Journal (https://yhoctphcm.ump.edu.vn)
– Editor-in-Chief of MedPharmRes International Journal of Medical Research (https://medpharmres.com, https://medpharmres.vn)
– Member of the Ho Chi Minh City Scientific Council
– Member of the Scientific Council of Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Health
– Chairman of the Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City
– Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association
– Vice President of Vietnam Pathology and Cytology Society
– Member of the Executive Committee of Vietnam Association for Cancer Prevention and Control, Ho Chi Minh City Cancer Society and Ho Chi Minh City Pathology Society
As one of the leading doctors directly involved in the treatment, research, and teaching of various issues related to breast and thyroid, Prof. Dr. Md. Nguyen Sao Trung has made immense contributions to Vietnam health sciences.

The Honorable Judge Le Thi Thuy started working in the Court in 2006. During her 18 years in the Court, Judge Thuy has gained experience in handling many cases, from criminal, civil, administrative to commercial business. Judge Thuy holds a Master’s Degree in Economic Law from Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. Before the People’s Court of District 3 (HCMC), she worked at the People’s Court of Ho Chi Minh City.

Dr. Dinh Thi Thu Huong is currently the Deputy Dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering – The Saigon International University (SIU). Her typical scientific works include: Designing a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on boosting technique and applying it to forecasting problems, 2018; Developing a software solution “”Deface tracking”” to support information control and information security for portals/websites of state agencies in Binh Duong province (Provincial level project), 2016; Developing a software to manage records of the Science and Technology Department of Thu Dau Mot University, 2015. Dr. Huong’s research directions include: Intelligent computing: neural networks, ensemble learning; Machine learning and forecasting; Multi-objective genetic algorithms; Artificial intelligence.