Nguyen Thi Mai Trang received the B.Se degree in Telecommunications at Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology in 1999. She was laureate of a scholarship for graduate study in France and received the Master degree in Computer Science and Networking at University of Versailles, France in 2000. She received the PhD degree in Computer Science from University of Paris 6 in 2003, under the supervision of Prof. Guy Pujolle, co-supervied by Prof. Nadia Boukhatem at Telecom-Paris. Before joining Sorbonne University in 2006, she was postdoctoral researcher at France Telecom in 2004 and at Univerity of Lausanne, Switzerland in 2005.
From 2006 to 2022 she was Associate Professor in Computer Science at Sorbonne University, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6). She was head of the PHARE team from 2019 to 2022 and coordinator of International Mobility in Computer Science of Sorbonne University in 2021-2022. Since september 2022, she has moved to hold a Full Professor position in Computer Engineering at Laboratoire de Traitement et Transport de l’Information (L2TI), Sorbonne Paris Nord University.
Her research interests include Future Internet architecture and protocol design, 5G/6G mobile and wireless networks, network security, network modelling and performance evaluations. Some of her notable research projects include USPN Project: Routage dans les réseaux mesh mobile hybride (2023), DIM RFSI 5G-REISEP: Réseaux Edge Intelligents aux Service des Entreprises et services Publiques (2022-2024), và PSPC Régions – Bpifrance Project: Sécurisation de l’Ecosystème Cloud par Blockchain (SecPB) (2020-2022). In addition, she also undertakes other professional activities such as Technical Program Committee, Organization committee, Reviewer, Editorial service. She is a member of IEEE and ACM.
Paper presented at the conference: